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violino barocco

baroque violin

Asako Takehuchi, diplomata in violino e violino barocco al Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Olanda), alla University of Southern California e al Berklee College of Music, ha suonato come solista, in gruppi da camera o in orchestra, con ensembles quali Boston Baroque (Stati Uniti), Arion Baroque Orchestra (Canada), Collegium Musicum Den Haag (Olanda), Den Haag Piano Quintet (Olanda), The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands, Handel & Haydn Society (Stati Uniti) e il gruppo folk Floyds Row.

Si è esibita in festival quali Oude Muziek Utrecht (Olanda), Deutsches Mozartfest (Germania), and Innsbruck Festival (Austria), Festival de Música Antigua de Barcelona (Spagna), MUPA International Arts Festival (Tailandia), and Abbaye aux Dames (Francia), and Aston Magna Festival (Stati Uniti).

Ha tenuto masterclass presso l'Università di Burapha (Tailandia) e ha inciso con The Wallfisch Band, Arion Baroque Orchestra e The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands, tra gli altri.

Risiede in Italia con suo marito e i suoi figli.

As a solo, chamber, and orchestral player, baroque violinist Asako Takeuchi has performed with ensembles such as Boston Baroque (USA), Arion Baroque Orchestra (Canada), Collegium Musicum Den Haag (Netherlands), Den Haag Piano Quintet (Netherlands), The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands, Handel & Haydn Society (USA), and folk ensemble Floyds Row. She has performed at festivals including Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht (Netherlands), Deutsches Mozartfest (Germany) and Innsbruck Festival (Austria), Festival de Música Antigua de Barcelona (Spain), MUPA International Arts Festival (Thailand), Abbaye aux Dames (France), and Aston Magna Festival (USA). Discography includes recordings with The Wallfisch Band, Arion Baroque Orchestra, and The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands. She has given workshops at Burapha University (Thailand) and holds degrees from the Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Netherlands), University of Southern California, and Berklee College of Music. She resides in Italy with her husband and children.